Society of Life Donors
Thank you to our generous supporters as of April 1, 2024
Join this list today
Levels are determined by the cumulative amount given within our fiscal year (August 1 - July 31) to JFS or the JFS Foundation.
NOTE: Does not include in-kind donations.
Valet Sponsor

Charging Station Sponsor

Volunteer Lounge Sponsor

Media Sponsors

Champagne Greeting Sponsor

Sweet Treat Sponsor

Public Relations Sponsor

Accessory Pull Sponsor

Centerpiece Sponsor

L’Dor V’Dor Society
This exclusive society recognizes those who generously support both the JFS Foundation and Jewish Family Service annually at $1,800+.
Nancy & Joel Roffman
Cindy & Irv Munn
Barbara Schwarz
Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas
Leslie & David Katz
McKesson Foundation
The Moody Foundation
North Texas Behavioral Health Authority
The Rees-Jones Foundation
Texas Mutual Insurance Company
United Way of Metropolitan Dallas
Kalman & Ida Wolens Foundation
Incarnation Place, Inc.
Jewish Federations of North America
Ann Rosenberg
TruistD.J. & Les Weisbrod
M.B. & Edna Zale Foundation​
$25,000 - $49,999
Atmos Energy
Sylvan T. Baer Foundation
Linda & Steven Blasnik
Capital for Kids
Dallas Area Agency On Aging
Dallas Jewish Community Foundation
Leo & Rhea Fay Fruhman Foundation / Joe Goldman
Lyda Hill Foundation
Kahn Mechanical Contractors
Ann & Nate Levine
Jane O'Toole
Stan Rabin
Barbara Spigel
Larry Wolfish
$18,000 - $24,999
Gilian & Steve Baron
Candy & Ike Brown
Katherine C. Carmody Charitable Trust
Peskind Family
Kyle & Alan Rabinowitz
Howard Rachofsky
Peachy Rudberg
Sewell Automotive Companies
Joan Vogt
Wells Fargo
$10,000 - $17,999
Fonda & Jay Arbetter
Kim & Jeff Chapman
Charles Schwab Bank
Lori & Mike Cohen
Paddy & Barry Epstein
Dekelboum Family Foundation / Gail Hartstein
IMA Foundation
James R. Johnson
Susan & Allyn Kramer
Alisa & Jason Makler
Manana Management Co. / Gayla & Carlos Lopez
Rosemarie Mickish
Cindy & Irv Munn
Esther & Craig Navias
NDBT (North Dallas Bank & Trust Co.)
Stacy & David Olesky
David Pardue
Patsy & Michael Hochman Charitable Foundation
Laurie & Todd Platt
Raelaine Radnitz
Terry & Bert Romberg
Beverly & Cary Rossel
Jeri Lyn & Jeff Sebert / The Rubenstein Foundation
Roy & Esther Barzune Stein Endowment Fund
Fran & Jeffrey Toubin
Sam Utay
$5,000 - $9,999
Carol & Steve Aaron
Patti & Robert Aisner
Attorney General of Texas
Susie Avnery
Bank OZK
Marsha Barron
Susan & Daryl Beck
Fran & Mark Berg
Lisa & Steven Block
Renee Blustein
Meyer L. Bodoff Memorial Fund
Becky & Ken Bruder
Sharon & David Chortek
Carol & Harold Colvin
Dalfen's Limited
Dallas Capital Bank
Laura & Norm Diamond
Sandy & Howard Donsky
Mireille & Barry Emmett
Dia & Barry Epstein
Forest Lane Pediatrics
Frost Bank
Linda & David Garner
Cathy & Craig Glick
Beth & Jim Gold
Sharon & Eric Goldberg
Sherry & Ken Goldberg
Goldsmith Family Foundation
Roslyn Goldstein
Nina & Jonathan Goodman
Terri Train Greenspan & Alan Greenspan
Susan & Tom Hartin
Haynes Boone
Jacqueline Hirsch
Greater Horizons
IMA, Inc.
Fannie & Stephen Kahn Charitable Foundation
Judy & Harold Kaye
Richard Kerstine
Robin Kosberg & Rabbi Mark Washofsky
Marsha Lev
Susie & Joel Litman
Betty & Jay Lorch
Charla & Mark Miller
Sandy Nachman
Network of Jewish Human
Service Agencies
Brenda Nibert
OAM a Content Company
Carrie S. Orleans Trust
Carol & Harold Pinker
RBC Foundation - USA
Bobbie & David Repp
Lisa & Josh Rothstein
Robin Sachs & Bob Farkas
Kim & Avie Schonwald
Michelle & Ron Schwartz
Barbara Schwarz
Daphne & Jay Shipowitz
Stacey & Jonathan Siegel
Temple Emanu-El
Miriam Vernon
Helen & Shami Waldman
Jackie & Steve Waldman
Rebecca & Bruce Wartell
Tina & Richard Wasserman
Jolene & Harv Weisblat
Bonnie & Jeffrey Whitman
Ethel Silvergold Zale
Julie & Michael Zimmermann
$3,600 - $4,999
Liz & Steve Berger
Sheryl & Gordon Bogen
Dorothy K. Harry Boris Memorial Endowment Fund
Brenda Brand
Michael Braun
Mary Lee & Michael Broder
Mark D. Daniels
Susan & Richard Frapart
Frannie & Robert Gardner
Lori & Rick Golman
Heather Goodstein
Julie & Sander Gothard
Betsy & Mark Kleinman
Staci & Jeff Mankoff
Ann & Michael Ochstein
William Oglesby
Elaine & Trevor Pearlman
Jody & Melvin Platt
Jenalee & Lee Raphael
Nancy & Joel Roffman
Marilyn & Stanley Rothstein
Donna & Byron Rubin
Ike & Fannie Sablosky Foundation
Celia & Larry Schoenbrun
Helene Shalom Endowment Fund
Elena & Eric Stein
Sunflower Bank
Donna & Mike Winemiller
WISE Resource Development
$1,800 - $3,599
AARP Foundation
Dawn & Todd Aaron
Lisa & Jim Albert
Andrea & Jonathan Bard
Cathy & Don Barker
Michael Baum
Rachel Biblo Block & Morgan Block
Andy & Jonathan Blum
Denise & Barnett Bookatz
Randy Brown
Paula & Steve Brown
Rebecca & Ryan Buell
Susie & Joel Carp
Anita & Todd Chanon
Joni & Bob Cohan
Leslie & Eli Cohn-Wein
Cheryl & Randy Colen
Randee & Colin Cope
Deborah & Kenneth Dauber
Suzy & Reuben Davidsohn
Cristina & Jim Doyle
Frances & David Eisenberg
Ellen & John Elwell
Faith Presbyterian Hospice
Cory Feldman & Spencer Yasbin
Julie & David Fields
Jeri & Bill Finkelstein
Laura & Roy Fleischmann
Mitchell Fonberg
Rhoda Frenkel
Ety & Charles Friedman
Beverly & Chuck Ginsburg
Diane & Hal Glaser
Barbara & Larry Glazer
Rita Sue Gold
Tricia & Matt Gold
Lisa & Neil Goldberg
Rita Goldberg
Abby & Benjamin Goodman
Patricia & Bennett Goodman
Pauline Graivier
Sheila & James Griffin
Irma Grossman
Barbara & Joel Guskin
Barbara & Bill Gutow
Cheryl & Andy Halpern
Deborah Hecker
Marcy Helfand
Howard Herskowitz
Stephanie & Mike Hirsh
Ynette & Jim Hogue
Darci & Randy Iola
Moshe Itzhakov
Joan Jackson
Marcy & Jeff Kahn
Beth & Larry Konig
Amy & Harlan Korenvaes
Michelle & Brian Kravitz
Carol & Mark Kreditor
Karen & Mickey Kurzman
Rachel & Isaac Leventon
The Rubin Family Foundation / Julie & Jay Liberman
Adele & Roger Lieberman
Lisa & Steve Lieberman
Malia & David Litman
Lisa Lowey
Ruth Lurie
Lauren & Seth Margolies
Weezie & Mark Margolis
Judy & Benton Markey
Doris Meyers
Morton H. Meyerson Family Foundation
Beth & Josh Mond
Martha Morguloff
Shirley Morris
Lynda & Gordon Newman
Leslie & Steven Peskind
Sheryl & David Pidgeon
Pam & Steven Pluss
Reesa Portnoy
Nicole & Jay Post
Sherri & Michael Radoff
Barbara & David Radunsky
Jolene Risch - Risch Results
Carol & Allan Rosen
Kimberly & Jon Ross
Debbi Levy & Barry Rothschild
Melanie & Howard Rubin
Felicia & Robert Rubin
Elaine & Morris Rutchik
Rikki Rutchik
Pam & Mike Saks
Debbie & Sid Scheinberg
Norma A. Schlinger Philanthropic Fund
Cristie & Rodney Schlosser
Janice Schwarz
May Sebel
Ricki & Gabe Shapiro
Darla Shaw
Ellen & Douglas Sheena
Judith Shure & James Mattingly
Michelle & Andrew Silver
Rena & Bud Silverberg
Sherry & Bill Silverman
Sally Pian & Ira Silverman
Alanna Silverstein
Rebecca & Neal Sklaver
Meri-Kay Star
Sister & Joel Steinberg
Karla & Larry Steinberg
Helen Stern
Rosalie & Alan Taper
Joanne & Charles Teichman
Gina & Alan Tolmas
Sandra & David Veeder
Kim & Rob Velevis
Natalie & Michael Waldman
Karen Weinreb
Hilarie & Peter Weinstock
Carl Weisbrod
Susan & Steven Wilkofsky
Gay Winter
Joyce & Paul Zopolsky